Additional Services



Since many people are afraid of surgical dental treatment, we carry out small interventions directly in ours Practice in Schwabing in the familiar surroundings of our patients. We offer our patients the surgical removal of wisdom teeth, apicectomy or removal of cysts or abscesses.


Timely measures are important: Whiteness teeth are often removed too late so that neighboring teeth have already suffered damage. We pay particular attention to critical points and any problems that may arise in our patients during each examination.

Crunch treatment in Schwabing

Many people these days subconsciously process their problems. Work stress is a major contributor to night-time teeth grinding.


Neck pain, tight masticatory muscles and headaches can be caused by crunching at night and make everyday life difficult for many people.


The simplest and most effective treatment is a plastic splint that is worn at night. The health insurance pays these costs. This way, you will no longer be tempted to crunch while sleeping.


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